Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Linux : Very brief description of what the utility does

sample [options] arguments

Following the syntax line is a description of the utility. The syntax line shows how to run the utility from the command line. Options and arguments enclosed in brackets ( [ ] ) are not required. Type words that appear in this italic typeface as is. Words that you must substitute when you type appear in this bold italic typeface. Words listed as arguments to a command identify single arguments (for example, source-file) or groups of similar arguments (for example, directory-list ).


This section describes the arguments that you can use when you run the utility. The argument itself, as shown in the preceding syntax line, is printed in this bold italic typeface.


This section lists some of the options you can use with the command. Unless otherwise specified, you must precede options with one or two hyphens. Most commands accept a single hyphen before multiple options (page 109). Options in this section are ordered alphabetically by short (single-hyphen) options. If an option has only a long version (two hyphens), it is ordered by its long option. Following are some sample options:



This option has a long and a short version. You can use either option; they are equivalent.


–d dchar

This option includes an argument. The argument is set in a bold italic typeface in both the heading and the description. You substitute another word (filename, string of characters, or other value) for any arguments you see in this typeface. Type characters that are in bold type (such as the ––delimiter and –d) as is, letter for letter.


(table of contents) This is an example of a simple option preceded by a single hyphen and not followed with any arguments. It has no long version. The table of contents appearing in parentheses at the beginning of the description is a cue, suggestive of what the option letter stands for.


This optional section contains a discussion about how to use the utility and any quirks it may have.


This section contains miscellaneous notes—some important and others merely interesting.


This section contains examples of how to use the utility. This section is tutorial and is more casual than the preceding sections of the description.

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