Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Undo Rollback time

this query will show you how much time remaining for your rollback session.

for 9i and up

SET lines 500 pages 500 col PCT FOR a5
SELECT state ,
undoblocksdone ,
undoblockstotal ,
cputime ,
undoblocksdone / undoblockstotal * 100 percent,
TO_CHAR(((((undoblockstotal - undoblocksdone) / (undoblocksdone/cputime) / 3600) / 24) + sysdate),'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') timetocomplete
FROM v$fast_start_transactions;
--just a note if your doing a parallel rollback the values does not give the correct values

for 10g and up

(SELECT value FROM v$parameter WHERE name = 'db_block_size'
)/1024/1024)),2) "Undo Size",
KTUXESTA "Status" ,
FROM sys.x$ktuxe


Jenice said...

I was trying to find out the time remaining but my query is giving e error. After looking at you post I realized that I was actually executing the query that you have mentioned for 9i version and I am using 11g. Thanks for writing up both the queries for the respective versions.
sap upgrade challenges

Jenice said...

I was trying to find out the time remaining but my query is giving e error. After looking at you post I realized that I was actually executing the query that you have mentioned for 9i version and I am using 11g. Thanks for writing up both the queries for the respective versions.
sap upgrade challenges