for 9i and up
SET lines 500 pages 500 col PCT FOR a5
SELECT state ,
undoblocksdone ,
undoblockstotal ,
cputime ,
undoblocksdone / undoblockstotal * 100 percent,
TO_CHAR(((((undoblockstotal - undoblocksdone) / (undoblocksdone/cputime) / 3600) / 24) + sysdate),'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') timetocomplete
FROM v$fast_start_transactions;
--just a note if your doing a parallel rollback the values does not give the correct values
for 10g and up
(SELECT value FROM v$parameter WHERE name = 'db_block_size'
)/1024/1024)),2) "Undo Size",
KTUXESTA "Status" ,
FROM sys.x$ktuxe
I was trying to find out the time remaining but my query is giving e error. After looking at you post I realized that I was actually executing the query that you have mentioned for 9i version and I am using 11g. Thanks for writing up both the queries for the respective versions.
sap upgrade challenges
I was trying to find out the time remaining but my query is giving e error. After looking at you post I realized that I was actually executing the query that you have mentioned for 9i version and I am using 11g. Thanks for writing up both the queries for the respective versions.
sap upgrade challenges
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